What's around Walmart 2735 - Sacramento, CA
In the given list, there are various types of businesses located in the area. These include a supermarket named SF Supermarket, a farmers market called Farmers Market Shop, a car dealership known as Sacramento Hyundai Shop, and a variety store called Dollar Tree Shop. There is also a gym called 24 Hour Fitness Shop, an auto parts store named AutoZone Shop, and a cafe named 85°C Shop.
Beauty supplies can be found at Sunshine Beauty Supply Shop, while fuel can be purchased at Shell Shop. Car-related businesses in the area include Lugo Auto Group Shop and Levan Auto Body Parts Shop. Fast food options are available at McDonald's Shop and Krispy Kreme Shop. Payment services can be accessed through Coinstar Shop, and movie rentals are possible with Redbox Shop. The area also has a place of worship, Victory Outreach Church Shop, an Islamic school named Al-arqam Islamic School Shop, a Department of Motor Vehicles office called Department of Motor Vehicles - Florin Office Shop, a police station known as Sacramento County Sheriff - Florin Station Shop, two banks named Bank of America Shop and Wells Fargo Shop, and a department store called Burlington Shop.