What's around Kroger-Fred Meyer 657 (Spokane, WA)
Based on the context provided, there are several businesses and shops located in the area. Here is a summary of them:
1. Adelaide Co. Floral Shop - a florist
2. 5th @ Freya Shop - none
3. Thor @ 2nd Shop - none
4. 5th @ Haven Shop - none
5. Freya @ 3rd Avenue Shop - none
6. 5th @ Rebecca Shop - none
7. 5th @ Freya Shop - none
8. 5th @ Greene Shop - none
9. Jacobs Well Church - a place of worship
10. Jacobs Well Community Center - a community center
11. Dogtown Company - a pet store
12. Thor @ 5th Shop - none
13. Thor @ Hartson Shop - none
14. Hartson @ Ferrall Shop - none
In summary, there are 14 businesses and shops located in the area: a florist, a pet store, 7 shops with no specified amenity, and 5 places of worship/community centers.